Sunday, January 13, 2008

New shoots, new beginnings...

I am reminded, at this time of the year, of spring to come through the crispness of winter. T S Eliot was not too keen on April:
April is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
In my first published poem I saw it like this:
Father come to me, watch the black stare
of green eyes: falling winter lays dread
upon thought of spring.
I think it's all to do with knowing what's coming; but surely the inevitably of life needn't be the dullness of life?
As I said in my last blog, I haven't been writing new stuff as much as I should; and this year that is what I want to do. Be a wellspring to myself. Use Pound as my beacon. Why Pound, well he used the process of creativity in writing as a life-long study, mantra and occupation. He couldn't write a letter without seeing that as a creative exercise. No 'Dear....' for him. Here's his opening to Wyndham Lewis:
Cher VVwvyndammmn
Makes us rethink the email, possibly?
As it happens I'm just about to plant some fruit bushes, so whatever, I will see some new beginnings.
It is also our granddaughter's birthday tomorrow: she is 5 years old. What a stage in life. To think, Mozart had written his first piece of music but then. No pressure!
Let me end, by going back to what I wrote as a biog piece in 1966 when the "Father...' poem was published:
Contemporary poetry should be: purity of word with scarcity of evaluation.
Until next time: keep planting.

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