Sunday, January 06, 2008

Happy New Year to you, and you, and you, and you...

Here we go again. A grand start. A run at it with no clothes on. Or the dregs of yesteryear, as a reflux.
What say you?  I say; more & better. Well, time is running out, as many a soothsayer has been saying.
More writing, for me. Not difficult, seeing as I have had a dose of the block for quite some time. I need an incentive; and not just a special occasion which trumpets words of an echoing kind.
No,  real words that get-up the nostrils and make you snort.
Don't know if blogs are good enough for that. Far too ethereal. Might have to go back to real words, on real paper, in real books; for someone to realise in later life.
But for now, a dinger ling on the bell of life. There, off you go. Wave as you wiz by.

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