Saturday, September 06, 2008

Powerful paintings

Our wonderful daughter-in-law has just had early success with her new career as an artist, see:
This reminded me of the power of paintings and here is an example with this painting of Ezra Pound, that I bought many years ago. It is in style of the shroud at Turin.
Kathy's paintings of people are much warmer and full of humanity; it is as though you can reach out and hug them. One of the first paintings that Kathy has sold shows a man on a road. You don't know where the road is going but seems to be a metaphor for life that has rushed by.
Whereas, the man himself, seems to have all life etched on his face. He is not weary, he is simply reflecting on his life, possibly on the life of others. As we look closer, we realise the man is standing on the road itself and yet he is stronger than the road, more powerful in a way that reflects his personality above the swell of life. In the end it may be a question of whether he is there, or not, or more, obviously, an example of reflection.
This to me this is the essence of paintings, so much more is there than is initially seen and more that can be discovered each time. And, biased though I am, Kathy's pictures bring this out again and again. A reaffirmation of life, a celebration of life, an example of paintings being more powerful than a snapshot of life.
Keep up the good work Kathy!  

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Wow Terry - you've done a better job of describing what I was trying to express in my painting than I could ever do - thanks so much!

You can see my current portfolio at

p.s. you're the best father-in-law anyone could ever wish for ;-)